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Kelly’s Share 4 Prayer

Saturday Share 4 Prayer: We tell the stories of cancer fighters through a feature we call #Share4Prayer.

This is my new friend Kelly and as we celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend her story is particularly special. We met coincidentally when we were sat next to each other at the nail shop, and the social worker in me wanted to know more and more about her fight. As I continued to learn about the battle she has been through the more I realized what a “tough cookie” and exceptional mom Kelly really is.

Kelly was diagnosed with metastatic Breast Cancer in 2007, and she has been fighting ever since. Kelly’s story is inspiring as you realize she has not only fought cancer, but fought through some very unfair circumstances. After Kelly’s second cancer recurrence, she soon realized her husband wasn’t nearly as strong as she is. She was recovering from her fourth round of chemo, sick in bed, when he told her ” I am just not attracted to you anymore”. That was the beginning of his request to divorce her in the throws of her health crisis. Kelly, a stay at home mom, kept fighting and obtained employment working through sickness, heartache and despair. As the mother of two girls Kelly had to be strong for her two daughters, now 16 and 12yro. Despite the aggressiveness of her cancer she continued to fight until she was recently told there is no more treatment available to her ( although she is hoping to start a clinical trial May 30th). The cancer has metastasized to her liver, brain, and bones but she has continued to work when she can until just recently when the pain has become too great. Kelly was told to “get her affairs in order” and is preparing to have the same difficult conversations with both of her daughters. Kelly is particularly concerned about her 12yro whose faith like a child is still holding on to healing for her mom.

We were able to help Kelly with a $250 grocery card, but she could use additional help since she can’t work. With being too sick to work she relies only on child support to provide for her family, because she was recently denied disability. Prayer is the best way you can help Kelly and her daughters, but if you’d like to do something more visit so we can bless this strong warrior and mother!!! #Share4Prayer #HappyMothersDay

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