Tenaciously Teal delivers cancer care packs to treatment centers across Oklahoma, and mails care packs nationwide to men, women, and children fighting cancer. The organization has distributed 50,000 care packs since it began in 2014, and also offers financial assistance to Oklahomans in need fighting cancer through financial grants and gas/grocery cards for those struggling to make ends meet during their treatment. In addition, T. Teal also celebrates the strength and tenacity of cancer fighters by offering Brave Shave and Empowerment Shoots. Tenaciously Teal strives to deliver hope to each patient it touches; showing them they are not alone in this battle and there are people who care about their fight.
Care pack deliveries
It all started with a Care Pack. Filled with day-to-day items helpful to cancer fighters, as well as a handwritten note of encouragement, these represent the core mission of T. Teal.
LEARN MORE ABOUT CARE PACKSyou know there’s somebody that cares.”
Tenaciously Teal is dedicated to spreading love and hope to cancer fighters.
Your generosity empowers us to continue supporting these individuals through Cancer Care Packs, Gas & Grocery Cards, and Brave Shave & Empowerment Shoots; a concierge style service tailored to each fighter. Contact us for additional opportunities to give, including Care Pack Parties and donating items for Cancer Care Packs.
Empowerment Shoots allow women to celebrate their beauty, strength, and bravery. At each shoot, women are treated to professional makeup, styling, and photography, which are all provided at no cost to the cancer fighter. An Empowerment Shoot can be requested at any stage of treatment – at the beginning to empower the fighter or at the end to celebrate the journey.
Tenaciously Teal offers Brave Shave Parties to women faced with cancer treatment-related hair loss. Brave Shave Parties invite women to tackle hair loss on their own terms, while surrounded by family and friends. The salon time, hairstylist, and hors-d’oeuvres will be provided free of charge.
While Tenaciously Teal was started after its founder began her battle with Ovarian cancer, our organization has been blessed to give hope to fighters facing any kind of cancer. We serve men just as readily as we serve women.
Care packs & Cocktails
Our biggest event of the year! It’s a night to celebrate wins of all the survivors in our network and raise funds for cancer fighters all across the U.S.
This event is sold out every year and filled with drinks, food, friends, a raffle, silent auction, and a fashion show featuring survivors from all different backgrounds. Make a difference and cheer on the strength and tenacity of the survivor models – and dance the night away with an award winning DJ.