The facts
REQUEST A CARE PACKSigns & Symptoms of
Ovarian Cancer
Pelvic or Abdominal Pain
Difficulty eating or feeling full quickly
Urinary Symptoms (urgency or frequency).
Other symptoms may include:
Back Pain
Menstrual Irregularities
Pain with Intercourse
There is no reliable screening or early detection test for Ovarian Cancer. The Pap test does not test for Ovarian Cancer; it screens for Cervical Cancer.
If women experience symptoms daily and they last for weeks, they should consult their doctor. Screening may include pelvic exam, a transvaginal or pelvic ultrasound, or CT scan, and a CA-125 blood test.
In 2023 1.95 million people were newly diagnosed with cancer.
23,420 Oklahomans were newly diagnosed in 2023.
1 in 2 men will be diagnosed and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed.